
Home Services Dentures


Dentures are a popular solution for restoring the function and aesthetics of missing teeth. Nowadays, It is a common prosthesis used by millions of people around the world who have lost their natural teeth due to decay, trauma, or gum disease. Dentures can be used to replace one tooth or an entire set of upper and lower teeth.

Types of Dentures

Dentures are an important part of many people’s daily lives, as they help replace missing teeth and restore the look and function of your smile. There are two types of dentures: full dentures and partial dentures.

Full dentures are most often used when all of the upper or lower teeth have been removed. They consist of a gum-colored base that fits over the gums and a set of artificial teeth that sit atop it. The base is secured with dental adhesive or implants to ensure a stable fit in the mouth. Full dentures can also be removable, which allows for easier cleaning and maintenance.

Partial dentures are designed for those with healthy natural teeth remaining in their upper or lower jawbone.


This is a popular choice for those looking to replace missing teeth. They can be made of several different materials, including acrylic, porcelain, and metal. Dentures offer many benefits that make them an attractive option for individuals with missing teeth.

The most obvious benefit of dentures is improved facial appearance and restored self-confidence. Missing teeth can impact the way you look by changing the shape of your face and making your smile look incomplete. With dentures, your face will appear fuller and more symmetrical, allowing you to feel more confident in social situations. Additionally, it improves speech clarity by replacing the space created between missing teeth which can cause difficulty with certain sounds such as “s” or “t” consonants.

Another significant benefit is their ability to restore functionality to your mouth when chewing or speaking.

Care and Maintenance of Dentures

Proper care and maintenance of dentures are essential for ensuring that they remain functional, comfortable, and looking their best. The denture should be brushed regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive denture paste or gentle hand soap to remove food debris and plaque. Rinse the dentures thoroughly after brushing to ensure all paste residue is removed.

It is also essential to soak dentures overnight in a solution designed specifically for cleaning dentures. This helps reduce the staining of the appliance as well as remove any bacteria or debris that may have accumulated during the day. After soaking, brush again before inserting them into your mouth. Additionally, your dentist may recommend special cleaning tablets that can be used to help fight bacteria growth on the surface of the dentures when soaking overnight.

Cost of Dentures

Dentures have been around for centuries, but in recent years they have become increasingly popular. They are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore a person’s smile. Dentures can also improve the function of a person’s mouth, allowing them to eat and speak more comfortably. But dentures don’t come without challenges – from understanding how to care for them properly, dealing with possible discomfort, or maybe even concerns about eating certain foods.
